I've been thing a lot about what psych woman said yesterday.
I don't think I do have an anger problem, per se.
I get angry - my kids know when I'm angry. When school bags, coats, half eaten lunches, three video games and a remote control car are scattered liberally around my kitchen, they know when I'm angry.
It comes - I let it out (this house is not a dumping ground for your crap! etc etc) - it goes. It's not really a problem.
Frustration is more of a problem. Is that the same thing? I'm not sure.
Things over which I have no control, no power, they are the things that upset me.
I have to be careful about watching the news when I'm in that sort of mood, or reading the papers. The Darfur episodes of ER are sometimes best avoided.
Incompetence upsets me. Talking to the CSA is therefore best avoided AT ALL TIMES. But that is really just frustration, again.
So I don't think I have an anger problem. I think psych woman has a bit of a problem; she sees me for an hour once every 2 to 3 weeks (NHS - she's busy busy). Each time she sees me, she makes a different judgment on the nature of my problem. Its like that story, about blind men judging the nature of an elephant from just feeling a part of it. She doesn't know me. So she just grabs a bit and hangs on.