Friday, May 19, 2006

All Grown Up.

My eldest daughter left school today.

Ok, so she still has to do the exams, but as far as the teaching and stuff goes, its over. Shirt signing and much hilarity and some crying (the kids, not me) and it's over.

I remember when she was about 3 months old, looking at her asleep in her cot and crying to my then psych "How will I ever get her to school? How will I walk through the playground? Go to parents' evenings? Have them 'round for tea'? I don't even like kids!"
And he put his arm round me and said "One day at a time, that's how we'll do it. One day at a time. And anyhow, it's a long way off yet."

And now it's over, and that's how we did it.

One day at a time.