I'd forgotten for a while there how to breathe.
Today I breathed again, and I feel human again
(I also had a huge caffeine input whereas I normally have none - this may have had something to do with my super-whizzy okey-dokey mode).
My neck doesn't hurt when I try and turn my head.
I did a project for my son on Armadillos in about 40 minutes. It's due in tomorrow and normally I'd just make him hand in some half-arsed effort that he'd thrown together himself. This time I did the paperwork but I still made him learn all the stuff -- did you know an armadillo can hold it's breath for six minutes? You do now.
I tidied up, and got rid of all the piles of crap that have been accumulating around the lounge. Yes, I just moved the piles to other rooms, but at least I don't have to look at them (except for the ones that are now in my room).
And I had a half decent text exchange with he who left me.
I wasn't expecting it.
I was, as I have been so many times before, ready to walk away.
I was sorry that I sent him a message on Friday, having realised that if I hadn't then he never would have contacted me. So I sent him a message to say as much. He said he was pleased I had texted.
Anyhow, the long and the short of it is that we exchanged messages without an argument ensuing.
I have to word them very carefully -- if the boys ego was any more fragile he'd be a... well, a boy. But I managed it and we got there.
The hardest bit is when he asked how we all are.
What can I say?
Number one daughter is defensive, friendless and won't go out without me. She hates men, swears shes going to be a lesbian and blames herself for letting him move in.
My son doesn't sleep. Last night I came out of the kitchen at midnight to see his legs dangling over the banister. I thought he'd hung himself. Turns out he'd been sitting there for ages, just listening to me. His ocd is getting worse, his food intake more bizarre. Now he says he cant eat anything until he's 'processed' it. This means inspecting it, literally, a grain of rice at a time. Dinner takes ages.
Number two daughter has just retreated into her own world. She stays in her room mainly, or collects snails in the yard. Usually the only person she talks to is herself. Today she came in crying because the kids on the bus had been bullying her.
And my cat is now incontinent.
We're fine, I said.