Friday, January 12, 2007

Play it again, Sam.

On the subject of protection, I never felt that he who left me would protect me.

Thinking about it now, one of the biggest rows we had was probably about protection -- about him protecting someone else over me.

Her name was Sam. I don't know much about her -- I wasn't allowed to ask questions (that was the point of the row). What exactly was he protecting? I'm not sure.

All I did know is that he met her on a chatline, and she was (is) a social worker who lived on the South Coast. I knew they must be pretty close because she knew his real name as well as his writing name, and she stayed with him at his flat in Brighton -- something I was never allowed to do.
He said he wouldn't answer questions about her because she didn't matter; she was no one; they had no connection, whereas we did.

We, as he put it, were entangled.

Yet here we are now, not tangled at all; not even communicating, but I bet he is still in contact with Sam.

So who had the greater connection after all?

Maybe thats why he was prepared to defend their connection -- because he knew it was stronger than ours?
Or maybe it was stronger than ours because he was prepared to defend it.