Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Work shall set you free.

Today I went to the Job Centre.

It was an odd experience - when I was a kid you went to the Job Centre for a job, and there were boards all around the place with vacancies displayed on them. Today there wasn't a job in sight.

In fact the only people with any chance of employment were the huge number of people working there (far more of those than 'clients'), herding people around from one office to other, identical offices on other floors. At one point someone gave a piece of badly laminated red card. I don't know why. Someone else took it off me before I left. At least that's two people with jobs - the hander-outer and the collector-inner.

So, I had this interview, and the guy said I had to engage in mandatory 'Work related activity' to remain entitled to my benefit. Then he gave me three leaflets, and said he would call me in six months. The 'activity' is that I have to look at the leaflets, and 'consider' them.

I think I can manage that.

No wonder this country is going to shit.