Wednesday, May 30, 2007

In the Summertime

I'm tired.
It's not lack of sleep, and I'm aware that my pills are affectionately named dopamax, or stupamax, by some who take them, because of a certain dulling effect that they have on one, but I don't think it's that either.

I think that summer is coming.

My psychiatrist tells me that summer is a much easier time of year for 'people like me' -- that those of us who are classically bipolar feel the pressure lift in the summer months, and that urgent drive to do whatever-it-is during the early spring and autumn suddenly lifts during the summer, and we can relax.

So I think that is what I am 'suffering' from now.
It's a curious feeling.
A weird sensation of not really having to do anything.

I keep trying to work out if this is what 'normal' people feel like most of the time.
It's very odd, but it's early days yet.

Maybe I'll try more sleep, and June, and see how I am after that.