Well, here we are, over a month down the line, and he who left me and I are still communicating and being civil. Like adults. Without drama.
Its all very new, for us.
And for some reason, it makes the missing him bit worse. Unbearably so.
I suppose it makes sense -- there is only so much that you can miss someone who sends you into a screaming pit of insanity.
Which is why the decision I find myself facing is particularly difficult -- do I carry on as I am, with reasonable communication but missing him dreadfully, indefinitely?
Or have a final short sharp shock, and say goodbye, again?
If I go for goodbye I have to be sure I mean it -- I don't want to just be creating drama where none exists, so there would be no going back.
And whereas before it seemed like lunacy to me -- leaving someone that you love -- now I can see that people make tough decisions every day, and just because it's hard doesn't mean it isn't the right thing to do.
Trouble is, I don't know what to do.