Thursday, June 26, 2008


Funny, to get a letter inviting me and two members of my bipolar self-help group to a regional network meeting, but then as the only original start-up member who hasn't given up and run away, it does feel a bit like my group.


Formal complaint against the childer's school is progressing, and making everyone's life a misery. Now they don't miss any opportunity to make the kids pay for what is, really, my problem.

How very grown up of them.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Once bitten

I realised today that I don't think about him so much anymore.

But it isn't that I miss him any less.

It's that it hurts more than ever -- things like the fact this was the first birthday in five years when I haven't heard from him, really hurt. And so I've kind of trained myself to avoid the pain.

If I make myself not think about him, he can't hurt me. Can he?